Anime Fan Tom Movie Review

Anime Fan TomAnime Fan Tom Movie Review

Anime Fan Tom Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2010
Duration: 1 h 11 min
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Director: Mari Yamaoka, Jennifer Pearce
Writer: Mari Yamaoka, Mari Yamaoka
Cast: Yu Miura, Mary Chikayama, David Claypatch, Jeremy Dunegan

An American graphic designer from Los Angeles goes to Tokyo, Japan. His encounter with a figure-like Japanese girl, Mika, prompts him to move to Tokyo and start a new life there. He takes Japanese language lessons, and pursue his career as an anime creator. In the beginning Tom is a dorky geek with glasses hooked to computer games. After his glasses are broken in a fight, he starts wearing contact lenses recommended by Mika. He also takes Karate lessons at a Dojo where Mika has been practicing. He transforms into a handsome,strong and cool artist.

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